Monday, 30 May 2011

Itz a Love Story,Baby juz say "Yes"........

They were high school sweethearts......

They used 2 do each others homework,eat each others lunch,draw paintings for each other,draw funny sketches of each other,ride bicycles together,solve complicated math problems,read poems n stories 2 each other........
They were complete in each other's lives.....n they had never thought of their "friendship" like others had.When they passed out high school,they were tagged "the  cutest couple of high school"..........which they were not!
Well,they were not in love,or if they were,they didn't know it..... But life changes after high school! Well,she had 2 shift her house to sum place else cuz of sum family reasons.....
Lets make it short-they fell outa contact n got busy in their lives....His-was a new gal every week n Hers-a new problem! She had sum story 2 do as a favor to a geek frend,for which she went 2 sum library.......where she found him. After 5 long years,not studying! Dhruv never went 2 da library. Well,He was there cuz as per him it was one of the most secluded places n hence ideal for uninterrupted make-outs!
Naina-was kind of a geek.A very simple n ordinary girl with out of the world thinking! which then,only Dhruv cud understand.His mouth fell open n he yelled "Chashmish"-sumthing he used 2 call her very often.
Anyways,Naina was quite a beauty which she did not believe in sporting like other girls.She was quite practical n peace loving gal.When she was in her high school,her father passed away.Dhruv had been a great support then.He had always been there-no matter what. There were guys in the school who had laid evil eyes on Naina-which she definitely did not acknowledge,But Dhruv did.After dropping her home He went back to the hangout area of the bad boys.Next day,Nitesh had a leg plastered.When she asked Dhruv what happened,He replied he got hit by a truck.
When she had moved out,initially she missed Dhruv terribly.In the first few weeks,she wrote him letters n emails which he replied 2 way too late.She eventually understood that she was no longer a part of his life n stopped all contacts.Dhruv,on the other hand,missed Naina even more,n did not know what 2 do….So,as suggested by other guys,he tried 2 replace her with some other girl,n from then on,moved from one girl to another…..but found none.
Cuming back 2 the library,after seeing Naina,he forgot that he was there with sum other gal 4 sum other purposes…..He ran to Naina who hardly believed her eyes.They went out for coffee n filled in each other with the 5 year news….but never mentioned how different life was without each other.
They were finally happy 2 hav found each other.They were 2 people who could tell each other anything.N had the capability 2 laugh over it even weeks later.While Naina had found her reason 2 laugh carelessly again there was a chaos among Dhruv’s college girls-Where is Dhruv? N whom is he dating this week? Well,4 now it had bcum weeks……
They went outings on weekends,went movies,had lunch together almost everyday.Dhruv had quite a traditional bike which refused 2 run for more than a week without servicing,many a times cried 2 get started…..But Dhruv n Naina still managed on that.No matter how long it took Dhruv to start his bike,Naina always waited patiently by his side.Many a times they even pedaled it over a mile…....

While they grew closer again,they found some magic going on around them.Naina had figured it.It wasn’t so difficult after all,She had known Dhruv since childhood.She wasn’t ready 2 accept it.Or was scared maybe,cuz wasn’t sure if she actually saw love in his eyes or was just a reflection of her own…..

Well,4 her,she very well knew she had fallen in love with Dhruv,she always was,its now that she knew it was love.N 4 Dhruv,he was still unsure what that weird feeling was,what that special joy of being with Naina n making her laugh n watching her laugh was…….
It was his birthday the next day n he already got a new bike as a present-a bike right out of his dreams.In his joy of getting a new bike he went out partying forgetting his cell phone in the dresser.He was quite a party animal.He had gone out of town to treat his friends n forgot everything about Naina while boozing.He reachd home by midnight.Was too tired to see his cell phone.It was still buzzing with birthday messages even at the last hour.He didn’t bother picking it up.Near his mirror he saw a small envelope with a ribbon.He knew it wasn’t sum1 4m his family.He went upto it n picked it up.There was no name on it but he knew who it could be from……
He gently opened it up to find a very old photograph of him n Naina riding his new bicycle.N juz like dat,all his tiredness vanished.And the next moment he was on his bike at a blaring speed on the way to Naina’s house.
In her room,Naina watched the full moon from her window n its excellent moonlight lighting up her room n wondered where n how Dhruv would be.There was no use trying his cell.She had been doing that since the past 24 hrs.With nothing else to do,she juz cursed Dhruv under her breath n went back to her bed to try to sleep.

Then,suddenly she heard sumthing drop on her floor.It was a pebble.It was definitely not raining stones.She went to the window to check.N found Dhruv there-on his bike calling her.Without giving a second thought she ran downstairs in her pyjamas n went up to him  n hugged him.He took her on his new bike for a ride.
For her,it was perfect then,the man of her dreams had juz cum out of them,on his dashing new bike to sneak her out in perfect moonlight for a long ride.Dhruv knew Naina luvd beaches.N dats exactly where they reached.It was very difficult for Naina now to decide if it was a dream or he was actually there.But then,it didn’t matter.If it were a dream-it was the most beautiful dream of her life n  if it was real…………..
They both sat on the beach.The silent music of the waves.The perfect moon n its reflection in water,the calm sand n the cool breeze.She didn’t know what to say.She wanted to ask Dhruv to pinch her to check if she’s awake.Then she thought the better of it.She let her mind go with the flow…..When suddenly,Dhruv held her hand ,drew her closer,bent down near her lips,gently kissed her,n whispered in her ears “I love you Naina.I always did.It juz took me dis much time to realize.”
This time she kissed him.For a moment too long till slowly warm tears flew down their cheeks……
                                                <3           <3           <3

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Monsoon Memories.............

Well,i have been much of a rain-watcher than a rain-dancer.....
Dunno y but i find sum special pleasure or joy in watching the  rain........dunno if its the droplets dashing against the window or the sound of pouring raindrops.......or the occasional thunder.......
Whatever it is,i juz luv the rains.
I can spend hours watching it rain,listening to music(even the romantic ones) n maybe thinking and dreaming....
Goin back to the beautiful moments spent in the rain......

4me,Monsoon is another name of "Season for being Happy"...........
No matter what the tension or pain is,Rain always brings a smile,well,quite a broad one to my face....n makes me  wanna sing n dance n juz b happy :)
Its such a cheerful n happy season that every living thing on earth seems 2b happy n enjoying! How can people be such complaining about rains???

Anyways,i m such a rain freak that i always on purpose,forget to carry an umbrella while leaving home.
I remember when it was 26th july,what year,i dnt rained quite heavily in mumbai n the city was flooded within hours of rainfall.I was in my tenth class n had left from school when it was raining.I stayed at walking distance 4m the school so went home nicely enjoying the rains.When i reached home,i found out that every book inside my bag was spoiled n mum had to iron them all......Yeah! i of course got quite a sound advice about it though...but who cares yaar.................
I can walk hours in the rain talking,singing or simply on my own,thinking n dreaming........
On that note,
I wana tell Monsoons......
"The rain freak misses you.U'd better b quick......." ;)

Pain-the most powerful feeling!

Pain-quite a familiar word.Happens to every1 ryt? N goes away as soon as you take a pain killer..........
But sumtyms it duznt.

Wat if the pain cums 4m within u?? U urself r da source..........Itz ur mind,or perhaps ur heart dat triggers the pain,n it refuses to go away without sacrificing sum tears........
N all u can do is hate urself..........or hate him.

They say time heals......maybe it does or maybe not.U juz get used to the pain.
Ever thought how difficult it is to forget a face u had memorized,hate the smile u loved,not hear the voice dat comforted you,or remember the smell that intoxicated you............
N worst of all pain cumz when he has no idea what u went through,what u felt like,or how much u loved him.....

It pains 2 c da 1 u loved walk past u without sparing u a glance......dat image can haunt u 4 weeks....
Wen he throws u out of his life like u dont exist, but he does exist4u even if u deny it..........
All u can do is try 2 pull urself out of it......

Wat do u do wen the pain refuses 2 fade n tears refuse to fall??
Can any1 get me a painkiller 4 this pain?
Or is it that only he can take his venom back???

Friday, 27 May 2011

My Experiments with LOVE!!

Ahh..........Love,such a common word.Sumtyms it seems dat Love makes the world go round.Duz it? I dnt know.But it has surely made me go round round and round........
I first fell in love when i was 16.Oops! sorry No,i think i was 9.Well it duznt matter.Not anymore.

Well,In India,we have quite a different perception of love.Here,Love is the most important thing on Earth.And most of the times,its an alibi for most of the crimes.Here, "I Love Her/Him" is the end of the bargain.
So growing up in India,seeing people in love around,i always wondered "what would it be like to fall in love?"
Is love really dat powerful dat ppl wud giv up der lives,homes,leave der families and do things completely irrational!

Well,so i was in school n der was dis guy whom i kinda liked.Dat tym der was this philosophy: if u like a guy,ur in love wid him. I was not so sure.But i bought wat ma classmates said.I went ahead n told him dat i was in love wid him.He told me i was not the perfect galfrend material.Well,not directly,though! Sumtym later he found sum perfect galfrend n did sum perfect thing with her that led me 2 break up wid him.

Anyways,der was dis other guy then......i was 17.Ohh he had beautiful eyes.I was sure i was in love wid him da moment i saw him.So i grew frends wid him.Good frends rather.Then i discovered,dat he was a player.But as we all say,Love is Blind. n so was I. I still did love him then.I was kind of a seedha bachha then.N i used 2 think dat i was sumthing different to him,sumthing special.Wat a fool i was.

N da biggest mistake of ma life.I never told him dat i was mad abt him.I waited.4 years.N den finally wen ppl poked me,i decided i'd end this waiting n suffering once and for all.So i calld him up n told him.He was such a sweet heart.After 4 years of faithful frendship He boldly said it 2 ma face dat he had no feelings for me,watsoever! n  told me 2 4get dat i loved him n stay frens so dat i cud still write his journals n finish his assignments.WTF!

Dat day da dumb lover inside me opened her eyes n saw through.N next tym wen i closed dem was wen i kissed Him..................
After so many downfalls in the field of Love,i had a distinction! I finally found myself in love with a guy who loved me as well.N dats wen i understood wat love is.
Love is indeed a beautiful feeling,where everything in da world seems perfect just with dat 1 person.Love is wen u dnt hav 2 speak,he can simply understand ur silence.When his shoulder is da best place 2 sleep n his arms da best comfort. *-*

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

4m stressed 2 desserts...............

Wat do u do 1 evening b4 da xam?? Splly wen u hav not studied much?
Get Stressed?? Well,dats obvious!

Even i used 2 do da same thing..........Get Stressed,Frustrated.Try 2 study.Won't b able 2 concentrate.Scream.Yell.Throws books around.Cum back in 5 mins n den again try 2 study.
N dis trauma continues till u enter da examination cell;and at tyms,even after dat.
UR so stressed dat u seem 2 4get things u studied write shit juz to fill up da answer sheet,n rush out of the xam cell..........n den,well repent maybe.
But gettin stressed is never da cause of repentance.
Watever,lets cum 2 da point.

How many of us wud actually do such a crazy thing as write a blog an evening b4 da xam? Dat 2 a blog dats not at all relevant to the subject.
Its a rhetorical question.Dnt answer!
Trust me guys,ders no use stressing.
Jitna aata hai,utna kaafi hai!
B cool n confident with watever u know.N study.Not 2 finish da syllabus.But 2 gain more knowledge.Know more things.Or atleast look at it dat way.Things r gona get easier.

Dnt stress.Stay Calm.
Yeah! It took me sum time 2 understand this n convince myself dat there actually is no point fidgeting....
B Cool.Trust URself.Chilll.......................
                                                          Good Luck 4 ExaMz!!!

Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Judgement Day!

At dis moment,standing on the verge of apoclypse........n taking the pressure of completing the chapter..........
I wish the world truly ends........cuz i know my chapter wont.
N i wud do anything,anything challenging but study.
I cud hav a beer n go cliff-diving or race a bike in the tunnel of death;or get drunk,find a sexy dude n make out with him..........

How much cud da pressure of finishing a chapter account???
Well i dnt know the answer.............Its ma preparation leave n i came across this chapter for the first tym in ma semester n found out that it really is an important chapter n discovered dat i hav no clue abt it watsoever.
N i dnt even remember the prof taking any lectures on it or even describing it...........

Of course,its my fault!
I think i m losing wats left of ma mynd in the 21st century breakdown.

If it were really the judgement m ready to answer any questions,except the ones from my syllabus........ :( :D

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Just a Guy!!

Dis is abt a guy i know............

          Among so many guys roaming around wid no aim in their lives,wasting their time behind gals,watchin porn,bulk txting etc.....dis guy seems to stand out from the crowd.
I met him in ma junior college.He seemed 2 me quite a loner.He was kinda easy going and sweet.I never got to know him so well and never anything beyond his name.
          I got in touch wid him again on facebook;wen we were in our respective engineering colleges.I never took much interest in his life.But der was 1 thing about dis boy dat made me like him n sumhow pay attention to him-He never forgot ma birthday.
        No matter if I'd not been in touch wid him throughout da year,he'd still call on ma bday.I started 2 respond then;Started little communication;And now,know him(Well,hopefully!!)
      Well,ders 1 more interesting thing abt him-He duznt lie.He's quite truthful.I remember him writing "m crazy about truth" in ma slam n used 2 wonder-how or why?
But now,i know.By being truthful he means being true 2 urself n being ur trueself in fronta every1 else.
He is a man of principles n i look up2 him 4 dat.He has a golden heart! Yeah sounds quite exaggerated,but dats wat i feel abt him.He's very sensitive n quite emotional n u can c dat in his eyes. I juz luv lukin in2 his eyes n stare at his face wen he is talking.N always while i m marvelling at da beauty of how his eyes mean wat he is speaking or seem to see wat he is narrating,i loose track of wat he actually is saying!!!
              Da saying dat u can see sum1's soul thru der eyes seems 2b fallin true 4 him.N if ur reading dis,wat i expect outa U is pls dont change urself or loose hope.Ur Wonderful da way U R!!