Mili was frantically searching for some documents through her limited closet.She suddenly came across a file that threw her family photograph on her feet and her mind to her past...
It was her 10th birthday when the Polaroid was taken.She had the perfect birthday.She could still recall her day.That's the day she was rendered orphan and homeless.That evening of her birthday she had asked that they all go out for a movie.It was her day and her Dad had agreed to it.They were driving to the theater hall at the outskirts of the town,where suddenly,out of nowhere a huge truck hit into their car.........Her parents died on the spot.She survived with a scar.The next day's newspapers were filled with her photographs with the caption 'The Lucky Survivor'.Only she knew how really Unlucky she had been to be the only survivor and having lost her family.Two days later,she was welcomed by an orphanage which then became her home.
She had barely adjusted herself and started to find a meaning to her life,when she got the news that she, along with some other kids were to be relocated to another orphanage as they could not house all of them together anymore.With the transport that took a steep turn,her life too took a huge turn,a very steep one!
Suddenly,it all became too much for Mili to digest.Her own past-that had been utterly merciless was pouncing back on her through that one Polaroid.
Just as she was about to put the past back and go ahead with the future,an ugly scar on her leg caught her attention.Numerous people asked her about the scar and she always lied to them telling that she had fallen of a bike into the road-divider.Which,if any1 cared,was not true.The scar was a remain of another haunting chapter of her life.
While she was on her way to another orphanage,she had heard the driver of the transport talking something about her fetching a good price and her being a virgin.Before she could make sense of what the men were talking about,the men had knocked her unconscious.And when she woke up she found herself tied to a chair in a very dark room.She struggled and made an escape out of the window only to find an ugly looking man trying to stop her.She remembered the tactics her late father had taught her and managed to make an escape.The scar was a parting gift from the kidnapper,the price she paid for the escape.

The incident,in itself sent shivers down her spine and she thanked a gazillion times to a God that she doubted existed for removing her from that hell.Then she was 15.That was 3 years back.She escaped to Thailand,tried to find herself a job,but none came her way.She lived on the street for 2 months where she saw girls younger or her age get sold and molested and again thrown on the streets.She prayed day and night for some Angel to come and save her of the atrocities of the streets,but none came, until she ceased believing in them.
And one morning,a fat lady rude lady walked up to her and took her along.She offered her a job.It was not a very good job,but she promised to pay her handsomely and provide her with shelter and protection,the 2 things she desperately needed! She agreed to the job,being in no position to decline it.The lady ran a massage parlor,where she hired young beautiful girls to give massage to people who came.Her customers were a few regulars and others,tourists from different parts of the world.At first,Mili wanted to deny the offer and run away,but this was any day better than living on the streets.
Two years in the job and now Mili was comfortable.She became a special attraction out there.Not that Mili liked the job,but she was convinced that no other job would have paid her more.Finally,she had a future to look towards.Another year in this job and then,she'd be done.She'll practice as a lawyer,try and get justice to people and make a life!!! Somewhere,she lived with the hope of a better tomorrow!