Monday 7 November 2011

15 things u can do wen ur Bored.......

Gettin BORED is one of the most Boring things to do and it is really Boring to do nothing but simply get Bored....
So here,are sum not-so-Boring ideas to beat the Boredom outa Boring day......
Cuz theres more to life than gettin Bored..... :P

1.Laze around.Listen to music.Select an artist u dont really listen to.Listen to Radio.
2.Dream Onnn....Its d best thing a human can do.Dream onnnn n onnnn n on...............
3.Draw/Sketch/Paint/Write/Dance........Do watever ur good at or even not good at.
4.Go thru ur wardrobe.Rearrange it.U myt find sumthin interesting in it.
5.Try different dresses n matching accessories.........
6.Put on the TV...Watch ur fav cartoon......Watch sum random show on a random channel.
7.Go 4a very long Bath......Sing n dance while u bath..... ;)
8.Call up a Random frend  n
9.Go thru old/newspapers/magazines/books......myt find sumthin interesting......
10.Wander into the kitchen......u myt find sumthin good to eat.....or u can always try cooking as long as ur insured.lolzz
11.try different hairstyles.........wink wink
12.Watch a movie u wudn't watch normally..........
13.Make posters for ur wardrobe/walls........
14.Go 4a Walk....dnt 4get ur music.
15.If u still cant find anything to do,SLEEP. Ur brain is tired and needs sum rest............